What Age Should my Child…. Read, Count to 10, Know the Alphabet
Friday, 21 July 2017
Every now and then we look at a answering some questions that are regularly asked within our tuition centres. In this article, we’re taking a look at some of the common questions asked from parents with young children (usually in Kinder or Prep / Foundation) about basic skills and when their child should “know” them. Specifically, this article looks at the “right” age for a child to read, count or know the alphabet.
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The Impact of Poor Literacy in School Students
Friday, 07 July 2017
Literacy, put simply, is the ability to read and write. When we consider how important reading and writing is to every day communication and living, Literacy is an 8-letter word that is vitally important to every child’s education and future. Poor literacy can have negative effects that go way beyond the school years – including emotional, social and financial burdens. In this article, we have reviewed ways that poor literacy can impact your child from academic performance to emotional/social impacts, higher education and post-school.
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